Top. H&M // Sweater. Mike & Chris (old) // Denim. Urban Outfitters // Boots. J.Crew
Lipstick. NARS
Happy Holidays Everyone! How was your Christmas??
Can you believe how fast it came and went. I feel like I blinked and it was over.
Normally I am not one to talk about presents but I have to gush about one of my gifts from my hubby.
I have been wanting one for years. I was so, so excited!!!
Let's take a second to talk about how much technology has changed....
Any guesses on how long it takes 1 picture to develop?
40 minutes!
Apparently "shaking it like a poloraid picture" doesn't help speed the process up either. Five minutes after you snap the photo you start to see the faintest outline of the image, then 30-35 minutes later you see the full picture lol. I LOVE IT. The images look so vintage, like they are straight from the 80's. Coolest present ever!40 minutes!
What was your favorite surprise gift?
Hope you all had the best time with fam and friends - Loves!
(see if you won the Gigi giveaway here)
Hope you all had the best time with fam and friends - Loves!
(see if you won the Gigi giveaway here)